Maxi Cooper ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My favorite Tweet of the year has a similar flavour:

Sorry Pence, this campaign is in it’s 14th month. Too late to abort now.

Here’s one vote for ‘stay and watch his career go down with the sinking, rat-infested Trump ship.’ Pence is an anti-choice, anti-woman extremist.

I just saw this:

love the fired up announcers.


Ahh, that’s different then. To watch this short video, you clearly have to quit your job.

LOL, yea right “Chechnya”, that’s not even a real place.

If they had thrown a soda can instead of beer, would it have counted as a pop fly?

Note to self: You should be so much better at soccer by now.

I got a copy of the recall notice.

I’m reminded of this

Never thought you’d have to go through the biggest snakes of them all to get the biggest snake of them all.

If only there was some kind of illegal radio station that ECU could employ...

I’m not gonna tell you guys how to do your jobs, but...

He got all huffy.

Christ guys, are you trying to hand West Virginia and Arkansas to Trump!?

Oh YEAH? I heard that Hillary FORCED Chelsea to suck on her breasts for YEARS.