
People who don't watch a show but read articles about that show and then yell at others that they have issues for watching the show have issues.

Thank you!

You know.. this does really suck, I get it. I worked retail for a decade. I don't shop on Thanksgiving or "Black Friday" because... I like my family and I don't want to die in a stampede, I guess?

A lot of non-essential places are open on Thanksgivings and other holidays, though, like bars, coffee shops, restaurants, etc. Getting Thanksgiving off (or getting time and a half on holidays) are privileges that 9-5 office workers get, not the service industry.

Inception was crap, which is why nobody tried to copy it.

As someone who has waited tables before, I've worked in places that were open for Thanksgiving anyway. A lot of people like to go out to eat on Thanksgiving, especially couples and people who have to work that day (Not just retail. I work IT now and it's a 24 hour operation, so we have people who will be working that

Kermit's going to come for revenge after what they did to the pigs?

Yeah, the resemblance between the skyscraper and the phallus has been discussed for over 100 years. If, 100 years from now, vulva-shaped spaces are commonplace, you'll probably find their likeness to genitalia without remark.

I'm surprised by how many people are surprised by this. I was under the impression that this was a known issue. For regular birth control pills, overweight women are told they are not as effective. I knew at least one person who was told to take 2 pills per night as she was over 300lbs and regular pills are calculated

They declined to specify which season.

Forget the scale; buy an IUD. :/

Can we all just agree that the most surprising thing about this chart is that someone with the moniker Lvl9LightSpell actually cares about sports.

Lvl9LightSpell's less impressive 'Circle of Rarity' graphic simply consisted of a Jaguars logo and yesterday's score.

I think the main thing we can take away from this is that "Lvl9LightSpell" didn't accomplish jack shit from 2007-2008.

Quick! Somebody get that woman a hand mirror!

Hi Mr. Krabs.