Along the same lines, I hate when someone retweets someone, but does it as a quoted tweet so the tweet shows up under the retweeters avatar and handle with RT @example. Not sure if I'm explaining it well, but it irks me.
Along the same lines, I hate when someone retweets someone, but does it as a quoted tweet so the tweet shows up under the retweeters avatar and handle with RT @example. Not sure if I'm explaining it well, but it irks me.
I went to College Gameday when it was at ND in 2005 for ND/SC. While I was there, a guy had a sign that said "MARK MAY SHOULD'VE BEEN A BLOWJOB."
Guy can't talk co-ed intramural basketball without getting killed.
I'm ready for the Jennifer Lawrence backlash now.
"Pacquiao, who'll turn 35 next month and was written off by many before his win over Rios.."
Pacman had a great run, there's no denying that. But he had to know it was only a matter of time before his ghosts caught up with him.
Cue the people who don't know how countdowns work in 3...2...1....
The NFL is turning into a punting league.
Magary's kid stories don't have dick all to do with sports but I don't see any of y'all saying they'd be better placed at i09 or gizmodo.
Don't you girls think its a touch, oh I dont know, insane (at worst) or sad and embarrassing (at best) to constantly yap about how some movie star you've never met is your best friend?
If I ever hear a beautiful person say they had an awkward phase I'm going to punch myself in my own nose. only consists of the word "Probably" in 256-point bold font.
Also, can I ask you another question?
People who don't watch a show but read articles about that show and then yell at others that they have issues for watching the show have issues.
Thank you!
I'm surprised by how many people are surprised by this. I was under the impression that this was a known issue. For regular birth control pills, overweight women are told they are not as effective. I knew at least one person who was told to take 2 pills per night as she was over 300lbs and regular pills are calculated…