
My team traded everyone’s favorite superstar for an unproven 2nd year player, a torn ACL, a 7 ft finnish guy that can’t play defense, and $3.5 million in cash.

Man, I haven’t seen a Chicago team fuck up a draft-day trade this badly since...two months ago.

Former Bulls fan checking in. I turned off ESPN at around the 7th pick and picked up a new habit called “binge drinking.” Then I flipped on a wonderful English film called “Attack the Block” and followed that up with the first episode of the Prison Break revival on FOX. The latter was dreadful, but at least it helped

The Bulls may have the worst culture in the NBA, but the worst culture in all of sports can be found in the Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ locker room.

Bulls got hosed. The T’Wolves got Jimmy Butler by moving back a few slots in the first round and giving up their backup PG and a guy coming off a torn ACL. I thought Butler would get you more than that.

Oh sure, now they want Kaepernick to get down on his knees.


“It’s not a transfer ban. It’s a vetting system to keep Atlético safe.” - Spanish Sean Spicer

How would having 40-50 year old men running next to 20 year old kids solve anything? NCAA should increase mandatory medical oversight by people who actually know what symptoms/signs of trouble to look for in athletes at practices.

But would this team have beat the 95-96 Bulls? Obviously not.

That’s why I don’t watch the local news. Nothing but endless puff pieces.

You know Nashville has arrived as a real hockey market when they start yelling at Mike Milbury on air and boo Gary Bettman when he steps on the ice with the Cup.

He had it coming.

Having learned the difference between “waterproof” and “water-resistant”, I’m not sure I would have much faith in a “bullet-resistant vest”.

I thought you were going to say “I knew it was going to be terrible and badly directed”

Spoiler Alert: Tristan Thompson was a ghost the whole time.

He gets day of rest. Then a whole summer.

“LeBron, is this a case of where you have to defend home court at this point?”

I think he’s saying “Get in the fucking box, you mother fucking bitch mother fucker” because the batter had stepped out. Also because he’s insane.

The Nats are just incredible this year. I know we’ve seen this before, and I know they have let their fans down before, but this is it, man. It’s gonna happen. This is the year the Nats are gonna make it all the way to the NLCS.