
I spent my entire weekend calling in rules violations to the LPGA, so it was nice being able to take this game off. Good job refs.

Fuck the refs. They influenced that game about as much as they could without actually playing. And that’s coming from a diehard Tarheel fan.

That’s really unfair, they won three titles in four years (1892-1895), and it wasn’t all that long ago, if you factor in the age of the universe.

At least he died doing what he loved, inconveniencing motorists.

The younger siblings of the world are pressing X to pay respects

This is your first kid, isn’t it?

The ony thing that really appalled me in that SI piece is that Sarah Fucking Palin described Kaep’s donation to Meals on Wheels as a publicity stunt. For crissakes. “You’re only helping the hungry for attention!” Ugh.

Oh wild. Atlanta is having problems with time management. You don’t say?

Where will you be when diarrhea strikes?

I can’t take credit for this, Matt Ufford on twitter can. I’m stupid and can’t link tweets.

You either retire a hero, or play long enough to see yourself become a shitty statue.

Its cool everyone. I fixed it. Now it looks better AND its more Jesus-y.

Coworkers, I don’t have the power to fire them but that won’t stop me trying to anyway.

I have two coworkers who believe Harden is MVP - should I fire them?

“Potato Raiders” is fun to say quickly.

Millions of more reasons why public financing shouldn’t be used for stadiums. That deal to bring the Raiders back was a joke, especially with the personal seat licenses which was a complete bomb. Then again, knowing Al Davis he probably planned it that way too knowing that Oakland would be on the hook no matter what.

Pro sports everyone! I look forward to the inevitable“Las Vegas to pay off stadium for 30 years while team moves to Idaho” article.

Same for me. But only because I have no retirement savings and will probably work until I drop dead anyway.

Not so good to prevent exactly that from happening.

How good is Lonzo? Because I assume everyone in the NBA is going to try and dunk on him because of his shitheel dad.