
And honestly, would it kill Hoiberg to wear a tie?

Mr. Simmons, you forgot to add the Trade Machine screen caps and 80s movie references to your post.

They don’t want to go to the White House anyway.

It’s not Ravens Flock. A group of ravens is called an unkindness. Which is really just so fucking appropriate.

I can’t read this, I am a dog.

Um, I know it’s like trendy to pick on Tom Brady on this Deadspin site and all, but there’s nothing wrong with playing catch. Playing catch is a great way to bond with someone and it’s also great exercise. Maybe keep that in mind next time you, wait a minute, there’s that squirrel again... HEY GET BACK HERE YOU

wow he will play catch with his kids he must really love that shit

Yeah, it’s a special car. Trust me, I know cars. It’s the best car. Really yuge car.

I am humbled and gratified that this comment received 2,500 stars.

Goddammit why can’t Deadspin just stick to spor

“How would the Packers’ offensive line walk up to the stand right now? ”

Good sports trolling is Good

Psh, this guy basically wrote the book on hiring foreigners and stashing assets abroad.

Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance, Dribbling.

Dealing with grief is a 12-step process. Fortunately, Westbrook took 5 whole steps tonight.

That’s the problem these days in a nutshell: too many dumbshits triggered by civility.

Pence or no Pence, Indiana really going all out with an anti-Gay agenda.

He gained no advantage from this “travel”. Let ‘em play. The fans don’t come to the games to watch the zebras. They want great action like walking the ball up the court. This takes the fun right out of b-ball.

Right? “Hey I screamed horrible things at these people. Why can’t they try to engage me in a reasonable conversation?”

If someone came to your house and camped in your front yard and screamed all day and night about how bad you are, you would want to correct the record somehow. Right?