Some thoughts:
Some thoughts:
So I am speaking from long experience when I say that the Washington bandwagon is very likely to be the most insufferable one ever to come rolling down the pike.
it would absolutely whip ass if this guy was eaten alive by a bear or something
To be fair, if there is ever a tornado bearing down on Michael Wilbon, I also hope that no one tells him.
No, he doesn’t have a point. Unless he’s living under a rock, he knows “awesome” has come to be used all the time as a word expressing someones approval of something, they dont literally mean they were overwhelmed with awe. He’s just being a cranky,old fashioned dick.
Neil deGrasse Tyson, Elon Musk, and Ben Carson each embody the problems of having only a science background with no wider knowledge of the liberal arts as well as the fallacy of being smart in one thing gives your opinion and views weight in all topics.
The brief pause while Pederson considers, then agrees “yeah, let’s do it” brings a genuine smile to my face.
Stephan Diggs tearing off his helmet and launching it into space is the NFL equivalent of a righteous bat flip and I love it so much.
Incredibly bummed this isn’t just Magary in his living room in an ill fitting polo and cargo shorts screaming his head off and scaring his children.
Not mad, just disappointed.
Our PTA had a “no fuss fundraiser,” and it was great. “Just write us a check. The goal is $10K, which we could hit if every family gave $25. If we make that, no other fundraisers all year.” And it worked. HELL YES.
I find that so few hosts have anything worth saying that the best part is the calls. If they were smarter, than for sure I would listen. That’s why I listen to podcasts; for smart hosts and good interviews. There’s just so little of that on AM/FM radio.
“Jerry Rodshoffer. 945 Summit St.
For sure on the radio, the yankees announcers are a mess. As a mets fan, gary cohn is the only thing that keeps me sane.
Fucking Rick Monday.
You have to give him credit for having the discipline to write the entire complaint in Braille.
Great, now I have to agree with Angel Hernandez on something. This sucks.
DC NBC anchor Jim Vance laughing uproariously at a wobbly model cracks me up every time.
Still the king
The skin product lobby is actively trying to hide the fact that sunscreen is linked to being sweaty and uncomfortable.