
While I agree that the United States is wasting ton of money on the military, I would point out that many military projects have had enormous benefits to the civilian world. Perhaps you have forgotten that the internet was originally a military project, so programmable computers, jet engines, etc. These are not always

You mean Lhense Flayre, the dreaded bounty hunter who uses bright light to blind his quarry into submission.

The mortal enemies of the Knights of Stimpy. They are eediots.

What are the “Knights of Ren?”

Actually, the finale is 90 minutes. Was there any point to TimRiggins being blackmailed for being gay? I mean it’s 2015. He’s not a right wing pol.

Sports News Website Reports Sports News; Readers Outraged

MRW someone mentions me !!

No, this is EXACTLY what this man is.

Each time the phrase “Survey says!” was uttered, the Gronks kept mishearing it as “Cervezas!” and Yo Soy Fiesta took over.

I did, fuckhead.

Jet fuel DOES burn hot enough to weaken steel by 80-90 percent. Which will then cause a building to collapse in on its own weight in a very short amount of time.

You got there a minute late? Buddy try the majority of us who clicked it the second it went up and saw 0% claimed instantly turn into 100% claimed and wait list full. I kid you not it was gone in less than 5 seconds. Yeah if you were a minute late then you were 59.9999999999999999 seconds too late. Repeat this

You got there a minute late? Buddy try the majority of us who clicked it the second it went up and saw 0% claimed

The fourth flip is also the hardest part for me when making a grilled cheese. By then I just really want to eat it.

I agree with Mauritius. In E. Rutherford's novel Sarum, this was explained, including the burial mound. Most of this info is not new.

pudge isn’t OP or only when he yells “FRESH MEAT”

Cats are at least chaotic neutral. True neutral be boring af.