
I disagree.

The only thing the show does better (besides having action happen, and making the White Walkers important) is Mastodon appearances (actual and bands).

Most shows need this.

It’s like Bosnia & Herzegovina.

If one of the White Walkers and/or wights turns out to be Benjen they will not be subtle about it. They will, at the very least, make sure to drop a reminder about Benjen in the “previously on”.

Liam Neeson did a great job as the giant in tonight’s episode!!!

How dare you talk about the evil proscribed lost technologies! Good Emperor fearing Imperial citizens are happy with Adeptus Mechanicus known tech not some Dark Age blasphemy! Thats an Exterminatus.

I had forgotten about this somehow. This really is the best sports gif ever.

Context: America was down a man and 2 goals down with 10 minutes left on the clock. America manages to score a goal, and then towards the last seconds of injury time, they get a corner. America’s Keeper moves up in the desperation “ALL IN” move, and connects the header in, sending the game to penalties that America

Thank You.


It really is a thing of beauty

Miguel Herrera for FIFA president please!

Absolutely fantastic.

no sportsball gifset (post-2013) is complete without el piojo.

Owner of vid here. This was my first time trying out 200cc where I miraculously turned my lousy 6th place end-game to 1st place in the final curve. I don’t think 200cc deserves the flak it gets!