Some people play video games to relax or have fun. Others try to go as fast as humanly possible, spending hours and…
Some people play video games to relax or have fun. Others try to go as fast as humanly possible, spending hours and…
1.) We are already heavily involved. Hitting pinpoint targets and exacting intelligence that is actionable is a huge ROI. Basically you are asking a much larger strategic question, I will address this in the very near future.
This is probably a ploy to get Bosch and its employees to sing like birdies, rather than protect VW.
They were tipped off by a whistle-blower who’d like to remain Hieronymus.
At least post a REAL samurai.
Have something you think we should know? Email us at tips@deadspin.com, or contact our writers directly, or use our …
Coach must have a bad temper if it takes only one Kelvin to make him reach the boiling point.
Let me try:
For the last 20 years, I’ve been playing in the Abilene Philharmonic, and whenever I’m in town (I live in Austin), I spend my free time out at Rister Park, smoking cigars and watching the show. I’ve gotten some pretty good spots out there, including this E-4 and this P-8. And here’s a Dyess Bone for good measure.…
Actually, the finale is 90 minutes. Was there any point to TimRiggins being blackmailed for being gay? I mean it’s 2015. He’s not a right wing pol.
still waiting for the anime
If Assassin’s Creed works as a cartoon, then Metal Gear can too. Each episode would probably run for 127 hours, 126…
Sports News Website Reports Sports News; Readers Outraged
Each time the phrase “Survey says!” was uttered, the Gronks kept mishearing it as “Cervezas!” and Yo Soy Fiesta took over.