
I pay $75 for 50/3 :(

I pay $75 for 50/3 :(

Say what you will, but that's a damn good looking plane.

his post

Now he just needs to buy this badge on eBay.

They are in Texas where that is the preferred commuter car

HO 229. It was too little too late. The Americans discovered the prototypes before the project could really get finished and the project also had a few unsuccessful test flights. One of them killed the pilot after the engine went out. However, the design of the plane was awesome. It looks really cool and put a jet

I guess they forgot to Putin a good word for him.

Put your hands up for [the USS] Detroit.

"Help Amanda Bynes hook up with Drake Sergio Romo"

I always knew Floyd Mayweather beat women.

Tragically, the B-1B has a history of being on the garage sale circuit

They should suspend him without pay.