Burning Stickman

Hey Nathan, while you’re here could you look over our financials? Things aren’t going so well..

Genre Film or Sci-fi film? Headline says one, but article says another. I hesitate to really count Fight Club or Batman as Sci-Fi. If you are just asking for Genre film I would Have to go with LOTR. I think it is a platonic love, but it is definitely a love story of two people that have to rely on eachother while

Oh fuck off.

“ can leave Toronto and be a Senator!?”

Rugby does this, the “penalty try,” and it really helps clean up play near the try line.

Sounds like Space by James Michener.

It’s clearly solar refraction making it appear slightly curved.

That sounds a bit like ....

Preferably in Denver, if I’m picking up what you’re laying down?

The music cues is what makes it great.

Yeah, I spent a week whacked out on [REDACTED] back in the 90's - coincidentally, it was the only way I could handle a week in Cleveland.

And to think that this is merely the first of two interviews the Cowboys require before signing a player.

As a San Franciscan, I just want to say that I don’t think there’s a better way for The City to spend its money than hosting a prestigious event on its 50th anniversary.

This is very bad news. If you hate listening to Phil Simms, you’re doing it wrong. Get drunk and follow @philsimmsquotes. It’s way more fun than any Thursday night game.

I mean let’s just be real. It’s not the nudity they have a problem with, it’s the fact that it’s a lesbian sex scene and not a hetero one. If it was either one of those women with a man there wouldn’t be any problem.

“Hey, eat shit, man, here are 2,000 pages! Yeah!” wouldn’t be a bad outcome.