Burning Stickman

None of this is funny.

Just to add to what other people have been saying...

Said it before, and I’ll say it again: I’d never get into EVE Online, but reading about it is endlessly fascinating. 


Crimson Skies was such a great game.


I’m on the side of juggernauts are fucking stupid and have no place in warzone. Hopefully they get patched right out of the game!  

Future generations will attend college classes on the sociological structures of EVE: Online’s culture.

If you’re about to say “But it just means OK you snowflakes!” that was exactly the point. The whole point of gestures like this is so that racist assholes can wink at each other then pretend they were just saying OK when they get called out. 

Agreed 100%.

Good on you for posting this knowing well there will be lots of people screeching about “I come to Kotaku for games journalism, not social justice”.  Everyone needs to pay attention, all ages, all races, all religions.  Only when people are paying attention will they actually comprehend what is going on around them.

“He even kills a man with a rake, though the movie sadly spares us what should be a well-earned one-liner”

It may be an AV Club “C.” But I take that to mean it’s a Pandemic Sheltering “B.” And quite frankly, it’s about time Bangladesh got some attention! 

This is my first internet.

This explains how and why the ball bounces funny. It must be hitting jaggies in the level geometry. Other balls in other sports don’t bounce as erratically. 

trust me, if it ever happens the headline would lead with the words “holy shit”