Burning Stickman

Only literally every time we’ve written about them.

This may get me expelled for saying this, Clark, but I love those uniforms. Especially the socks.

White chicks was offensive to everyone.

If your baby isn't coding by two just throw it out the window.

“Last night after the game, I smacked Coach Dungy into the wall. But he’s been gone for years - who the hell did I just hit?”

Great. Now we have to hear about some Curse of Back to the Future II for the next 100 years.

I was reading through the unwritten rules, and I think your last statement is in there verbatim.

People would rather focus on the idea that GMO crops are somehow going to end modern civilization, than the fact that because of GMO crops fewer and fewer people are dying of starvation. But then again, because of the FUCKING BAD PUBLICITY GMO has gotten, people outside the US are starting to reject eating GMO crops

Exactly! He wasn’t wearing enough NFL-mandated pink.

As a Steelers fan, the end of this game straight up turned me into Ric Flair. My “woo!” shouts worked my dog up so much he started barking. It was pretty awesome.

My daily fantasy consists of both of these companies going away.

I remember just staying in myseat after watching The Mist completely slack-jawed. I was just trying to imagine the pain this guy must be in. I still think about it from times to times. If it was me, honestly, I think I would probably not last long before shooting myself. I know some people didn’t like the ending, but

Drunken tailgate shenanigans or elaborate interpretative dance forecasting the Bills season?

I have never seen a video that so succinctly sums up Bills fandom.

Being hit by a bus is far less cruel than watching Bills games for the last 15 years.

“Come out to the coast, we’ll get together, have a few laughs...”