Burning Stickman

Also hit and miss with sports. I have a free subscription to Rogers NHL, but can’t watch a home Leafs game due to regional blackouts. Switching to my VPN (Private Internet Access) did not remedy this.

I’m so pumped that my kids are getting the Switch for Christmas. I’m sure I won’t abuse the playing time in any way, shape, or form.

Jane’s ATF was fun, but the game really fell apart when flying at low altitudes. I’d be flying an F-16 in afterburners, and trees would be cruising by, looking like I was passing them at 5 mph.

Very true but something about salary increasing in inverse proportion to performance is sadly amusing.

She’s....something else. I see these ugly dog contests, and I’m not saying she’d win...but she would merit consideration.

Millie, aka “Snaggletooth”

Counterpoint - Fahrenheit is bullshit, you’re not in Belize, the Caymen Islands, or the other three countries that Wikipedia tells me still use Fahrenheit. Welcome to Earth.

Sorry, best theory for “technical difficulties” was that Scott was taking a shit.

First of all, this news is heartbreaking; just as heartbreaking as Vegas, Orlando, Aurora, Newtown, and countless other tragedies like this.

I don’t know if I could finish a 10K in that time. Congratulations Shalane, that is a truly tremendous feat.

Papa John’s must use a different recipe in Canada. I’ve always found there pizzas quite tasty, especially for a chain restaurant. I’ve had plenty of shitty pizza in my life, and Papa John’s isn’t shitty.

Prizes usually start at $250, although I see more at the $500 level. This evening, about 30 people split the prize (just over $16 each), but this afternoon, one person took the $500 prize to himself. Apparently this Sunday, the prize total is $2500, so who knows.

You must be so much fun on vacation. After all, who wouldn’t want to hear about enjoying a Vegas trip from someone who doesn’t enjoy Vegas.

Setting aside the absolute grotesque notion of endorsing any limitations on a woman’s agency over her own body, and assuming somehow that this bill actually passed, would it not get struck down in the first Supreme Court challenge? I get that Repubs control the court, but Wade v. Rowe is still on the books.

Lego Star Wars Advent calendar is also quite good.

Lego Star Wars Advent calendar is also quite good.

Many times I’ll guess two cards in my hand. If you get lucky, you get a quick answer in the first couple of turns, while your opponents are spinning their wheels looking for all three.

Crimson Skies, Mech Assault 1 and 2 probably top my list. I haven’t owned an XBox since the original, and I still have those games in my storage space, but I’d love to see them in some HD/4K glory.

Better still - he went in the stands to finish watching the game!

Gotta ease into Fiddler’s Green. I didn’t, ended up with tears in my whisky.

We are not in a recession - growth has slowed over the last month or so, but our economy has seen steady and prosperous growth since 2009.