Burning Stickman

I come from downtown
Born ready for you
Armed with will and determination
And grace, too

I’m not a climber by any means (stairs are hard). I read this post word for word and was enthralled by Hayden’s story. Thanks for sharing it.

I get that MAGA is some stupid STUPID shit....but “go back to Africa” doesn’t take #1? Isn’t that even more stupid than MAGA?

My work number was hijacked a few years ago and spoofed. I received about 30 calls in 1o minutes of people asking why my I had called and hung up. Given that it had a local area code and a recognizable prefix, I don’t see how someone could conclude that it was a spam call without answering it first.

Even worse, the white players that do join will just be considered by the anthem Nazis as “libtards destroying our freedom” somehow.

You must have large, muscular forearms, what from pulling up so hard on those bootstraps of yours.

Is that banoffee pie in the photo above? I love me some banoffee pie.

Pre-orders on GameStop in Canada were announced 45 minutes prior to sale at 10 am PDT. Guess if you work during the day, you’re fucked.

For me, Andromeda was a lesson learned: never purchase a (largely) single-player release on day one. The game will still be there 6 months later, patched, and half price.

So “Contacts Only” it is then...

Gotta disagree. When the white-collar criminal acts result in thousands of people unable to afford their vital medicine, the douchebag makes the punch list.

I went last October with my wife, mother-in-law, and my kids (7 and 4). A couple of things:

I second D. Vega’s question. How has it been? Worth pulling the trigger?

I second D. Vega’s question. How has it been? Worth pulling the trigger?

From “M. Night Shaym-Aliens!”

My kingdom for a flight commander to use the phrase “ rocket go now!”

I remember those guys!

Why the need to trivialize the Ashley Madison hack victims? You may not approve of their lifestyle choices, but they still were true victims of personal identity theft.

Wow, I didn’t realize they removed self-inflicting damage. I’ve taken a break from Overwatch over the past few weeks, but sounds like I need to jump back in. Thanks for the info.

Junkrat’s mines won’t hurt him, but his grenades cause self-damage.

“Who is Magic Johnson?”