
They’re really going for that nostalgia quoting Jobs. It’s a little bit of a cockslap though, saying its such a leap forward when you can get all of this already with Samsung. I get it, its a great phone, but you have to gag when they throw all of those fasecious adjectives in there. World changing would be more

We heared the bangs. I was next to one as it went up. It was a fucking transformer.

They all blew. Its transformers off the cloud layer. People are pissing me off now :/

Reflections of the cloud layer

And powercuts were everywhere because of the transformers. It reflected back off the cloud layer. I was next to one as it went up in Iztapalapa. It was a fucking transformer.

I was next to one as it went up. It was a fucking transformer.

Why is his body, nips and naval and chest shading, a sad looking Promethian?

In a SuperPac working hard to ensure Trump’s vision of ein tausendjahrige reich.

To be fair, Robert did cave his body in on itself with a hammer.

Yes but consider the logic of it, every Rebel defected FROM the Empire. Be it a sector chief like Mon Mothma, a pilot like Han Solo or Wedge Antilles, everyone was in the empire. Even ex Stormtroopers

MMmmmeh, I dunno. When your work includes sending screeners between departments that can run to that size on their own... It’s reasonable to see why.

The honus is on the man to sire a child. No child, no evidence either way and logically marriages were in doubt until then, or until the bedding ceremony (to avoid this issue) which never happened either.

Nah, it was the Snakes hanged or impailed as appropriate

Marriage doesn’t exist unless consumated. That’s why they recognised her marriage to the Bolton house. Since that house then died, she’s very much a free agent.

I’m quite happy Cersei exists as a character though. Women need to be represented, even women acting like complete dicks.

He is my favourite onscreen Batman. He looked like he had the weight of the world on him in that suit - nomatter what you might say of the movies

5 minutes into the video, and I’m wondering why she isn’t dead yet.

Also, that’s shite training. Even in the UK, the few firearms officers we have are trained that a shot is taken with the intent to kill, and only ever to kill, with the knowledge that accuracy is not perfect, and complications exist. Acknowledging that fact, the logic therefore is to expressley aim for head and torso

I like your Hound theory - I would love a POV chapter. And the Starks really need a PR person to tell them to sort this shit out before getting to the high table.

He left like 5 episodes into the previous season. He had half a year to take a boat from Mereen to Oldtown.