Ugh. This is awful either way. But, are there different penalties in that state for nonviolent statutory rape versus an aggravated assault culminating in rape?
Ugh. This is awful either way. But, are there different penalties in that state for nonviolent statutory rape versus an aggravated assault culminating in rape?
They have to explain this to jurors IN A CASE and the fuckers still don’t get it.
I hope to high fuckery that isn’t a euphemism.
Unless, the POTUS has ordered them to do it. Then we are on shakey ground.
Well, if the theology is Thomas Aquinas, which I believe is or at least was until very recently the standard - it is absolutely why not. It was the whole basis for not using contraception in the Catholic Church.
Number of loose dogs as I go for a country walk: 3 / time.
You’re scoring exactly in the middle on my “hot / disturbing” scale.
I mean, women do though. Straightners, hairbrushes, shampoo bottles... Huh, it’s mostly hair related. I wonder if theres something in this.
Why is his body, nips and naval and chest shading, a sad looking Promethian?
In a SuperPac working hard to ensure Trump’s vision of ein tausendjahrige reich.
5 minutes into the video, and I’m wondering why she isn’t dead yet.
Also, that’s shite training. Even in the UK, the few firearms officers we have are trained that a shot is taken with the intent to kill, and only ever to kill, with the knowledge that accuracy is not perfect, and complications exist. Acknowledging that fact, the logic therefore is to expressley aim for head and torso…
You are always arrested “on suspicion” of something, as it takes a court to assert the facts of the case, an officer can only have a suspicion of something.
Yeh... I mean its a very commonly used “cowboy phrase” when you shoot the ground at someones feet. Its bullying sure... but I doubt that he had any other indications about this phrase. Even if he does happen to be a flagrant racist.
A delightful lack of physical evidence though - at a time when anti Japanese propaganda was rife.
“In my client’s defense, he is clearly a moron”
Exactly... he only ever said “you’re fired” to people he hadn’t even hired yet. The show was “The Apprentice” for fucks sake.
At this stage, they must be wilfully ignorant.
You were good. Nicely defused though.