
Someone send one to the LockpickingLawyer

Might not be the most serious, I would argue its certainly the most commonplace.

Damage is done at that point. That’s normally the main criticism of the police so i’m not sure why you’re defending it. “Sorry, we cant touch the stalker, he hasn’t raped you yet, call us when he has”.

Thats... not how orbital mechanics work.

I mean, sure you can. You probably watched it 1000 times on VHS over a period of decades.

You’d remember the woman who led a suicide team against orders into a secret Imperial installation and got the plans out where the whole rebel fleet was present. That gets talked about. But this comic script is a little cringey.

This script is... clunky.

Agreed. I will happily sit through the Lord of the Rings extended versions, even as I feel myself age.

Can we all agree that Scarlet Witch is a fucking moron?

Luke kissed his sister. This happened because they pulled that fact out their ass later in the trilogy

Maybe that is more of an issue of JJ, as ever, building up things that were never intended to be followed up on, and the ensuing theory craze a-la Lost and everything else he has ever done.

I agree, “saving” was always awful phrasing. It did, however, need a tonal shift, something which hasn’t happened since Return of the Jedi, as the prequels rehashed the same themes of the first. I think we got that.

You mean that a sequel had less income than the most hyped movie moment, and a reboot of the biggest franchise of the past 40 years?

We won’t. He dies after a penniless career as a street performer on Naboo, trying to make children happy. That’s canon now.

There is gravity on the ship as evidenced by her falling to the gantry. The bombs if dead dropped have 10m/s acceleration inside the ship and will continue to fall at that speed as they drift out of the hole. Faster if they are accelerated inside the racks.

Factually incorrect.

In 100 years we went from the Wright flyer to a B2 bomber. That was because people dont like to get murdered, make something to stop murdering them and thefore need to be more murderated with more murderful technology.

True, but in Rogue One, he was THE FUCKING BEST minor character.

Ugh. This is awful either way. But, are there different penalties in that state for nonviolent statutory rape versus an aggravated assault culminating in rape? 

They have to explain this to jurors IN A CASE and the fuckers still don’t get it.