
It seems to fit with what I’ve read. At least in the Rogue Squadron books, which to be fair, are mostly just burning fuel now with the new canon.

Literally no idea.

But that isn’t the choice. The choice *is* between cigarettes, vaping and plain air. Go with plain air.

The Republic Commando video seriously made me reconsider my Major choice at University.

For sound designers, theres a lot of hiss, vocal chomp, saliva and ASMR in this video.

If you notice, Beat wasn’t even in the 5 minutes released preview. I think they would think “reading” would turn off a US audience. That’s actually a legitimate issue.

I don’t know if you were expecting a specific line, but it’s the entire premise

I don’t know if you were expecting a specific line, but it’s the entire premise

I get what you’re saying, but I can’t think of any movie that has shown the difference as well as Get Out. Ghost isn’t at that standard, but its far short of the hysteria about this also

There isn’t anything that explicit, but there is a comment to the effect of “I don’t care, I wanted her made in my image” which is part of the creep factor.

I dont know, to me it seemed to stand out, but maybe its a case of “your mileage may vary”

I don’t know, the barbarism of stripping away her original identity seems to be one of the comments of the movie. I don’t think you’re supposed to empathise with this course of action. It might make you uncomfortable, but isn’t cinema supposed to ask those questions?

*sigh* ffs... Okay. Spoilers

You are completely correct - I was unaware of the nature of the payload this time round. Thanks a lot - and I’m happy to be wrong - it allowed for an amazing relanding.

And a motorbike flamethrower in his wooden shed

Pretentious, as in, actually Irish?

As per launch guidelines, it will probably save some propellant to take it into a “graveyard” orbit above Geosynchronous altitude. Normally for things going this high, that is the option as energy required to bring it all the way back to atmosphere is too much. They will just push it up a bit and out of the way

Considering the faceless data would include the login lander for facebook and include your name through those methods etc. its only as faceless as a 2 minute cursory search.

Haha, my brain isnt wired that way. I always read it as

Why would he have been in the first place? He is neither Muslim or Jewish, or American (which seems to have a weird non-religious fascination with the practice)