
You kidding? He took 2 minutes out of doing it himself to come here.

Not to call you a hypocrite... But do your research. He is a professional mathematician and this is a quirky, but good example.

I love how the assumption is that Martha Stewart isn’t on crack.

You are always arrested “on suspicion” of something, as it takes a court to assert the facts of the case, an officer can only have a suspicion of something.

Yeh... I mean its a very commonly used “cowboy phrase” when you shoot the ground at someones feet. Its bullying sure... but I doubt that he had any other indications about this phrase. Even if he does happen to be a flagrant racist.

And then the author says “Winds of Winter - 2015".

A delightful lack of physical evidence though - at a time when anti Japanese propaganda was rife.

You’re right. Expectation based on promises made is irrational.

That’s why I am going with that we do know it. We have literally seen it.

In a career where getting one thing gets you another... fair enough? You can’t be a screen actor from the confines of a basement.

Jamie got it back as the head of his mother’s house after the death of his “father’s” house and lack of desendents.

But proving a negative is rediculous.

I feel like she and Jadyn Smith would have the most hideously confusing and simultaneously gorgeous babies.

By that logic, the Declaration of Independence led to Robin Thicke.

In which case, hurray!

Um. Does Wahabism fall under ‘extremism’ by their definition?

“In my client’s defense, he is clearly a moron”

Exactly... he only ever said “you’re fired” to people he hadn’t even hired yet. The show was “The Apprentice” for fucks sake.

As stated by Fuller, who is out of the production now... but they at least borrow HEAVILY from the aesthetic

Is that established fact with all of the production changes? I mean - look at the Klingons