
Why would he have been in the first place? He is neither Muslim or Jewish, or American (which seems to have a weird non-religious fascination with the practice)

It’s better than what they do in Mexico.

A cursory search.

He also, on the way, designed a proprietary animation software to make this all possible. 

I can see I have touched a nerve. The issue is that in Ireland, women will be euthanised by their doctors in favour of saving only potentially viable foetuses. This is because of their view of abortion.

Because they *dont* live and let live

I agree - it’s a very strange system.

It seems strange to me that this is a thing. You incurred a penalty for breaching the terms of your contract with the Bank........ the government will then pick up that cost for you?!

Please. Delight in your progeny. They will be needed in the wars to come.

Sure, if you’re going to record and transcribe it. If Josh *still* doesn’t send what he is supposed to, you got nothing and you’re going to hang.

I’ve never really understood the passion of some people to keep paying out more because... reasons?

I believe even those are only ‘assembled’ in the US. There are plants for the components in Monterrey and Toluca in Mexico. The tarrif would chafe more than anything else, as well as the fact emission standards still exist in Mexico and many units are sold back on to Mexico after.

You mean the congress that is already licking Trump’s rusty sherrif badge in apology? Hes got them by the scrote for 2 years at least.

No, now you have tyranny of the minority.

Um, a no-fly zone means just that. No planes fly. It isn’t a bombing campaign.

Not at all. Thats the design but the Empire seems to have handled the weapon system

You wanna be avoiding those mud showers then...

But that is when the return began and the local population were relocated.

That must have taken all of 4 seconds to find, too.

Aha, but then you can add all these extra charges. Fleeing the scene of a crime, endangerment, speeding, refusing to comply. That justifies you shooting someone in the face yousee.