
Still haven’t. Status quo upheld.

“We all must choose. Man or woman, young or old, lord or pheasant, our choices are the same.”

Maybe someone can clarify for me, are super positions generated for macro or micro events. At the fundamental particle and quantum level or life choice level?

Kind of agree, he has his straightman moments, but he's as much into the rediculousness as everyone else - albeit deadpan.

Um. He punched his producer. This isn't about something he said.

Comprehension, not your strong point right?

No idea, I did it just before Christmas and I've had no regrets. :)

No, many people have low expectations.

And based on their previous titles, the public transport mechanics will be fucking stellar.

In real world physics that's true too. When teleporting a particle the original particle must be destroyed to avoid an infinite energy paradox.

Welcome to Poodles, the making of.

That's some crazy ass midichlorian stuff that is.

People who believe in these conspiracies and indeed right wingers in general do have larger and more active amygdala. There's an argument for the case that need curing

I preferred the aesthetic in Jupiter, but Sucker Punch had the better execution... Y'know, as far as turds go

Just seen this hot mess. It was certainly the prettiest turd I've seen in a long time.

In the UK we often call dollars Monopoly money because they feel like cheap paper.

Huh, I wonder if the live-action part played against it.

The VFX was fucking awful. Copy-paste elf army.

Relativistic Justice meant his descendants' executions.

You can see it in the video. Rain had literally zero effect on stability.