
Just so people know, best =/= most realistic. Lots of these effects have been taken to 11. If you want to consider also what effect the rain actually has on the stability of the vehicle, have a look at rFactor 2 where the tyres are individual entities which deform and aquaplane on the water dependant on tyre pressure

I'm sorry, changing the time by one hour would be impossible? We do it twice a year.

Would probably be the most normal thing she's done in a while.

That's a frakking Endor suit. Check out those lapels.

Your statement is always unjustifiable:

As long as you get off, enjoy the ride.

Jim Henson take note: Alien Boner

Is it more historically accurate than the historically inaccurate source material?

What is the purpose of a hall of fame in a scripted event therefore what the frak is an ' achievement ' in wrestling anywhos?

Welcome to conspicuous consumption. It is in everything.

Me too 😢 but I won't be holding my breath

Ah, you remind me of Philomena Cunk. Google her.

The issue is that it's mostly incompatible with Windows as it is and the relainch comes with Windows 8.1 compatibility. My previous copies are mostly worthless.

Would like a Windows phone app... Please?

Much CG. So wow.

To clarify: the rotation is to aid the drilling, or to try gain more solar power?

Kinda... all of them?

The only thing recently that seems to have captured the frustration and true difficulty has been the endboss from Edge of Tomorrow (or whatever it's calling itself these days)

Chief O'Brien? I like it.

A conservative Christian law organization called Freedom...

Geographically different areas, and as the Aztec Triple Alliance grew and fell, and altered its balance of power, the Mayans were there in the east.