
I, a 25 year old man, am still that little girl.

But what do you call someone who is needlessly aggressive on posts? An aggressive idiot?

Too many. I don't know why, but that kind of crap (and Nasa, and the US armed forces are the worst culprit) really grinds my gears.

Mmm, now you mention it, the Loki idea would be rather good. What would your opinion on him being the 3rd brother and child of Odin be?

I thought Thor from the beginning. A child of the heir to Asgard, a Star Lord indeed. And descended in light. That seems pretty like the Bifrost to me. That and the references to him being half immortal. Also, the Loki/Thanos connection has been established in-universe and the stones were mentioned in a piece of

When she was describing it, in my head I just saw the Bifrost.


Its being studied at the INAH, but close enough I guess.

Mmmm. I'm going with Thor. It was heavily hinted that he was half immortal, and the GotG and Thor/Loki connections have been established in post-credit sequences. It would be in his pre-Portman, super whorey days of course.

Check out the forum, theres some devdiaries. It was announced 2 months ago (or more) =)

That's some grade A spewing-random-shit there, son.

You actually believe that's what's at stake?


I know you're trying to be funny, but it's important for anyone reading your comment who might not be informed on the subject, that you are wrong. EU law has no bearing on this.

And the Israeli still pulls the trigger, that's really something to be proud of, from an airplane at 35,000 ft, or a missile battery 20km away.

Waitaminute. He fucked Teddy Roosevelt?

I agree, it's less the people than the objects that are disturbing me.

I'm talking specifically about the objects, rather than the people. But the trend has been increasing.

Really dislike the cartoon-ification =(

The last greatest movie I saw was Indiana Jones. That was a generation ago.