
Fortunately, your opinion has no bearing on mine.

I appreciate the attitude and the differing opinion =) I just really reacted well with the tone of the film and the characters - much of this was, I'm sure, due to the source material. That being said, this is the movie I have craved for decades.

No... you see it's like a meta...

I loved those scenes.

"It wouldn't go over my head. I would catch it."

I would always relish the chance to see more moves. And while it may not have been critically a gem of a film that will be spoken about in classes of the art - as a viewer of film it has given me far beyond anything I have seen since childhood, when I was very clearly wearing my rose-tinted spectacles.

Perfect response - yes that is exactly what I walked away with feeling. If I had this movie on VHS as a child, I would have learned it word for word and worn out the VHS.

Or you need to take the stick out of your ass.

Mmm, no. In this case the Sun is a Burger, giving you the energy to throw the baseball.

Sad but true. As a Firefly fan I didn't even really enjoy it - but I appreciated the chance to see the guys again.

Without hyperbole, this may possibly have been the greatest movie I have seen in my entire life.

Probably the lack of holidays. I have those needs around the house and I don't feel the need to get rid of my corkscrew or boxcutter.

Maybe.. the attitude in Mexico when Gravity did well at the Oscars was that... Mexico had 'won' the Oscars.

Hey, this isnt directed at this particular bag, but seeing as more people will see it than previous articles, I'll ask it here.

How come everyone from students to account executives to pre-med students in these bag displays have expensive multitools and flashlights. What needs do they address that I don't come across

And he came to self-realisation - late, but he did, and he deserves our welcome. You have a long way to go in life.

Thats exactly the point I made.

No, not like that. Model building is a hobby, people will still like to do it. More like, how the CD made Vinyl obsolete.

In the same way Dominos has made cooking obsolete.

Does the US have the same laws that the UK has with regards to the freedom of speech and immunity from libel that comes with scientific peer reviewed study?

Thats not how rational discussion works. The burden on proof is on you. That, or you're blowing it out your ass. The most efficient democracies in the world are parliamentary, and the US is far from the only non-dictatorial presidency.

Going to need your citations for all the presidential dictatorships, and the ineffective parliaments =/

You are cancer.