
Higher prevelance of dashcams means any comparison is meaningless. But yeh - in other things you're fucking right on the money.

But there is a significant difference between 2 cohorts of 6-year-olds.

Indeed it is, I had two windows open, although in general, I believe my original comment still was relevant. What i was replying to was Patricia's argument in the comments that:

1-8% of rape allegations are false.

Therefore, this guy pretty much a rapist.

Look, literally in the post I replied to. It is worth considering he is guilty because statistics?

I love Patricia, I think she's great. But she is so wide of the mark here with her flailing attempts to pin some blame on this guy that it is painful to watch.

Is this another "people are more likely to be friends with people close to them, and whom they have a chance of meeting" study? I read too many of them in university.

In no world is it worth considering. In a sample of 1, you have no idea if he is in that percentile or not.

What the fuck are you even on right now Patricia?

Preach the bold typeface brother.

The real world so often sends those people to prison =/ Except every time.

Just, dont expect it to ever have them laid out for you. The showrunners have form.

Huh, weird. In my school Psych was the science you got into when you thought that chemistry, biology and physics needed to be joined to explain behaviour.

Next week: Transportation Hack - did you know you could walk to work?

Great advice, great infographic, and it deserves a place here on Lifehacker - rediculous use of the word Hack though.

The issue there is that DEFRA and the farmers consider themselves to be the experts on the area.

You're trying really really hard, but no - you're not intelligent enough to provoke hate =) Have a nice day.

n.b. Your statement doesn't apply because the American people do not consider Black Widow's skintight jumpsuit, traditional dress.

Buzzfeed-like titles will draw you in - BUT CAN THEY GIVE YOU CANCER?

They're not beyond repair. It's just its beyond the capability of your federal structures and electoral system, and electorate to do so,

Phew, well at least theres no intrinsic qualities to the white dominated system which means that structurally the possibilities for hispanics and blacks are near to nil.

I remember it from Flight Simulator 2004 too, I loved this little bugger.

Agreed, though thats largely thanks to Chinese and its close-to-English grammar structure