
And people say it has a leftward bias =/

Agreed, ill wait for the backlash and then decide whether to watch the repeats.

Back at that time, there was no nation to compare against the USA in terms of not only wealth, but also isolationist tendencies. The change from the decadance of 1900s US life to that of a global power, was a very concious decision.

Thats not the fault of casting, or acting talent though - even though your description of Abrams Trek is correct.

Of course theres pools, of course theres toddlers. But that will cost you $60 for functionality they have stripped from previous versions. Skullfuck EA.

The only issue is that it is funded from a budget, not from the nebulous and non-Governmental controlled idea of GDP.

Just came here to say that, as an 11 year old, Final Fantasy X changed my life.

In the UK anyway, they are contrasted with the pavement, or the colours denote incline or type of crossing for people with impaired vision. Only in areas of historic importance, can they be used in a similar colour to the surface…

They're not for you =)

As legally the Queen has no opinion. Her job is constitutional and limited.

Youre supposed to avoid the posts =/

And up until recently, the Queen of the Netherlands.

She is a moneypot - she brings in a lot. But not only that - our head of government is not our head of state. Party politics is governmental, but our international representative is a-political and therefore never polarises the nation based along party lines.

They are, and a first launch schedule for 2017 means it will already be redundant. I want to see something like this happen, but this is a congressional plaything - and it is run according to their timetable.

The ISS was funded over 20 years - what congress do you see ever having given the funds to pay for a payload to utilise this launch system?

I hope so too, but from what I know in how the SLS came to fruition - NASA didn't want to build it - but the money was earmarked by congress specifically for that to give the shuttle infrastructure something to do.

As far as I can tell, you're correct, but they have yet to show what these "heavy payloads" are. There's no demand for them so far. LEO or otherwise. It's a congressional jobs project - which would be amazing, but congress hasn't designated funds for a Mars-shot mission.

In terms of weight, thats correct, but price per kg is much lower and can afford multiple flights. I was under the impression that whatever system would involve low earth orbit construction of a transfer vehicle anyway. The direct to Mars payload for the Falcon is 13,200kg. The fact is that the SLS may never fly

Thats the thing, Elon HAS a giant rocket, it's called the Falcon Heavy

But why use the overpriced, beyond its deadlines SLS? I don't think it will fly because other launch systems (US based ones) will be ready before then. Well, I think it will fly - because of course they will use it when they have developed it, but it wont be doing the amazing, first time missions - they will have