
Thats not how facebook works. Her images of him appear on his own page.

Fuck, it cant be worse than when they tried to do it themselves.

Twitter joke gets two brits deported from US

I mean, I don't want to cry bullshit at you, but - some sources would be really helpful. The fact is that Chihuahuas can interbreed with other dog species.

Sounds like dysentery.

It surprised me too that the closing down of air corridors due to Eyjafjallajokull and the massive emissions resulted in a dip of emissions overall during that period.

So, it goes back to calories in - calories out? None of this "you have to eat breakfast, you have to eat just eggwhites, you have to lick a stone under a mistletoe tree" ?

This, its just very likely that they had a png hand that they put over a screenshot. They have just happened to use it in two peices of promotional material.

According to David Braben himself? Source code was worked out before they started on "Outsider" (their unreleased game)

Elite Dangerous was put on kickstarter later - but it has been in the works for 15 years...

Personally - I completely agree with you, I have just seen it written like that too much in journalism textbooks and writing guides.

Cool dildo flag. The slogan is offputting though.

Also, Hills+Valleys are where mining industry was located and in the earlier parts of the industrial revolution - water wheel powered industries.

Could someone have a word over with the nice people at Sploid and tell them that it's not good form to put the (potential) Falcon's picture as their lede? Your spoiler banner is very tasteful and those pricks (lovely people, I'm sure) screwed it up for me due to the facebook feed always picking the lede image.

If you were hoping to stay spoiler free about the next Star Wars films, it's time to get off the internet.

Is that because the pictures you put as the banner appear in facebook feeds?

I'll go with bounty hunter

Or some men just like to crush beetles

Luck... the evolutionary equaliser.


*wipes vomit off keyboard, face and children*

Completely agreed

I will concede that, but we know more about the specifics of synaptic transmission than the larger mysteries, such as conciousness etc - plus it is a field which has the combined research interest of psychologist, pharmacologists and chemists. I'm quite optimistic about this field.