
The way synapses work, i.e. the transmission of receptors, is already well known. As is the effects on function if those transmissions are lesioned out. The physical structure has been the mystery for the longest time.

Peter Jackson? Youre on io9?

As real as Gran Turismo.... oh my sweet summer child...

I could see Popo smoking from my window last week - I half hoped this was a real story x-x

Sokath, his eyes uncovered.

Yeh, you need to change that image. He is giving a sideways glance as he is an uneasy person. He is never condescending towards women, and in fact has helped recommend books for the girls in a non-patronising manner, while at the same time shouting down people staring at them.

You claim no knowledge of the series, but

They seem like well directed questions for underlying attitudes. In the write-up just don't forget to mention the drawbacks of Questionnaires, and how your study has avoided those pitfalls.

I came along at a different time, but strangely, it was another Final Fantasy that stirred my interest too - in my case, FFX.

Oh dear god yes... it's quite weird really - things like a single Pixar universe etc.

Not.. Middle Ages... Probably French-revolution era Finland... So 200 years out, not 400. I mean, she's correct in general, it's just that my pedantry can't cope with other peoples' incorrect pedantry.

If I see "The average person uses X of their brain..." one more time.. I will kill all people.

Wait, this is the setting for "The Last of us" DLC right?

Si x-x en los andenes de linea A. Yo vivo al occidente pero todo mi vida esta en el centro o sur. Esta muy feo usar la linea A... mucho mejor por microbus.

You (polite) can pass =p

Big motherfucking field...

I think that she might be a prisoner in King's landing that Cersi has kept around all this time. It wouldnt be a flashback, but during the Queen's fall from (what little) grace (she had) she would have an exposition chat with her.

The shadowlands beyond Asshai?

Exactly, what passes for as an aside, or as a backstory in a book needs to be shown onscreen. Dorne needs its time too in that regard.

Oooo, are you using implicit associations?