
Huh, I wonder if this process could be used in the class to teach about sedementation.

And there are two Sao Paolerios above me, the Sao Paolo metro statistics and photographic evidence that je was exaggerating due to the Bus Strike.

I got to the last word and I broke up laughing.

Or.. it's exactly the same in [insert country of choice here] as well. Russia has dashcams. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Yuh, I take the bus to metro Puebla just to avoid it x-x

Can't we all just accept that you're both representatives of absolutely repugnant nations?

Nobody is trying to stop them. Who is oppressing the 88% with their consensual, nothing-to-do-with-them activities?

During a 5 minute window at 6:35 it's like this in Mexico City too, but it's disingenuous to say it's the norm.

Correct, but dont let that get in the way of hyperbole.

I would say they got their priorities 100% fucking right.

The humans blocked out the sun to try to starve the machines, it's in the Animatrix and Morpheus says it in the first movie

"We don't know precisely what happened, what we do know is that it was us who blocked out the sun".

Most likely not - if Mexico is anything to go by, they've only started digitizing new public records in the last 3 years.

We're pro-education here... that's about as large a connection as I can make..

Part of me thought that the original commenter's criticism was valid, but your snark has won me over =)

Now playing

I've been praying for something like this for a series I'm doing on Youtube. Thanks a lot!

You have terrible comprehension.

A few years ago you'd have been lynched for sentiment like that. In some parts you still might be.

You have got to be kidding =/

I'm with you so far, but then I fall down at it when you start to think about the cubic 'depth' of Rhode Island, do we go down to the mantle or a wedge all the way to the centre?

But how does the average Rhode Islander compare to the average US male or female? Are they significantly different?

We must know, lives depend on it.