
How many Rhode Islands is that?

Tolerated —- aaaand funded, let's not forget.

I've seen the white pleated front one at the GOT Expo - it is absolutley amazing and the detail, mindblowing.

Got to get me some of that vitamin D deficiency... mm. hot.

Watching this video

"Huh, that looks a lot like Glasgow... Huh, that looks a lot like the Psychology Building at Uni... waitamunite!"

Agreed, it can go into the arsenal of dog names; bullet, trigger etc. But for a daughter?

Pistol? That's classy?

A 14T MRI scan? Are they even safety rated?

Its unfortunatley not like a regular camera in that respect. Sensors are detecting the interaction between magnets and water molecules. The capture is near-perfect, a better image comes from a stronger interaction, what is really a more complete re-orientation of the spin of those particles.

In which case fair enough, though anacronistic. The Star Wars program didn't involve the B 52 bomber from the movie and was a later initiative.

For the real Star Wars room? Oh dear me... Thats Dr. Strangelove.

I love you - but ... the spelling needs a little look over.

Edit - Humans AND Cylons went to new Earth, creating a hybrid species which we are today? Which allows the potential for regeneration and it fitting in with that whole Mormon thing...

Pedantry is the bedrock on which io9 was founded. How dare you.

Where did he even get the internal diagrams?

You had to go there? You are a ...

It's great, sure. All fun and games... But then you are the one who gets to sit next to Slenderman

o-o make them slidey like car seats... can i has designprize?

With an actual plum?

Nup, the Reichministerium fur Volkausfklarung had one too.