
I'm pretty sure they were primarily diesel. The early Uboat type II introduced batteries and the type 20s and onwards (late war) really utilised electricity due to having an engine snorkel, so they could power the batteries directly from diesel while submerged.

Surely the first Lunar module to return would have been Apollo 8 with regards to the Jules Verne section.

Also, First Waterbed Predicted - 10 Years until 1st Flight Simulator?

John McCain must be pissed.

No, it was the past. Everyone was Jim Broadbent, or Ferris Beullers' school secretary back then.

Because larger people prefer mayo, and they buy more of it? Seriously, is there a correlation there?

Then the science you want to compare Theology with is Psychology. It is religion versus science in general.

Neil Cavuto, never heard of him before. I now know he is a pillock

But... do you blend? I'd like to try it.

Increeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedibly lucky to miss the thigh muscle and abdominal cavity. Cats have got a lot of empty space in that part of the hindquarters.

If its a loose-ends tie-ing kind of affair, I could get behind that. Because Lindelof sure as fuck didn't do that.

Ace Attorney: The rape and pillage of Korea

Perhaps it would be worth adding this to the article? It really does seem like the live action medium is being held to a different standard than the literary.

This is what happens when people have not read the book, but been told what was in the book. People dont want to admit that generally though.

Its a good job nobody has raped Theon then.

Telling him to murder Tyrion, the one person Jamie could love more than Cersei? Yup, hateful.

Youre bad and you should feel bad.

And not getting shot at school.

You beat me to it, and included a link. Kudos.

This has already been explained as a firework test done at the nearby Warwick Castle.

Are they thrilled at any news?