
Poison in a solution, evaporate the liquid and youre left with an off-blue sludge which crystallises. It would remix with liquid.

Send a nuke up to punch a hole in the radiation......? No...? Damn.

More wordy, but more clear. I like it.

Because in scientific terms, a reflex is an action which occurs without cogntive transformation in the stimulus-> output process.

Three years? You couldn't find a better use of your time?

/lighthearted sarcasm

I can dream though

Send a nuke up to punch a hole in it for each launch.

And thats why I love that sequence. Simply, because it is without reason.

I havent seen any of the new stuff, and to be honest, I like how much that sequence stuck out in the first show, and how rediculous it was.

I know, when I first saw the crap pay off for that sequence, I was in hysterical laughter for half an hour.

She is really giving me the asian Laura Roslin vibe.

Now playing

I'm sorry, but these simply don't compare

The wider issue is how angry people were getting, claiming it to be throwing the source text out of the window for things in the the movie *which stuck to the letter of their holy book*, a book they were clearly ignorant of, yet profess faith in.

Will metro apps close now when we actually close them, or is Task Manager still my best friend?

Why have a flashback when you can use sexposition, seems to be the mantra. We will learn about Azor Ahai from a whore being anally probed on screen.

I have to say, that is an incredibly well reasoned reply to what, in retrospect, reads as an aggressive post. That said, you really shouldn't blame it on yourself. This kind of article is entirely within LH's remit, but I found the original source to be a case of circular reasoning. Your reporting of it was absolutely

I love Lifehacker, so it pains me to say this... but some of the things on here just reek of "wtf, did people need to see this?"

From this article, I have learned that in order to be happy, you are best of spending your time doing things that make you happy?

And that of course, relies on people having a car with 'park'

So, no licking the condensation off the windows or the perspiration from the brow of your row buddie?

I would say, the science was accurate, but the orbital inclinations of stations was incorrect.