
That was like seeing a shadow from another dimension...

My reaction:

"Huh, functional aqueducts.."

Thank you *relieved at not being an idiot*

"Out of Primordial Maelstrom

Enterprise Streaks.."

Anyone want to finish this Haiku?

I mean, I can see it going that way. To me, Bran seems like he will become some kind of avatar for the Great Other, an anti- Azor Ahai.

Your response was perfect right up until you invalidated yourself with an unnecessary homophobic slur.

Exactly, and in those cases, you were less likely to work on construction projects as a slave than out of work (due to the floods) farmers were to keep them in employment. The 'slave' slaves were often owned in the same style as they are thought to have been in Roman society, by weatlhier families or by the state in

To modern eyes and vocabularies, sure it was slavery. To the Egyptians of the time, it was one of three or four unskilled jobs available (depending on season). Life was harsh, life was tough, it was expected that you couldn't leave, but there were families and communities and enterprise around the slave camps which

Thats not whats being voted on here.

I'm intensely, powerfully, un-flipped.

There were only two correct answers, this or the Hymn of the Fayth.

Hey, if it works, right?

Here in Mexico City, yeh, it actually is the drugs thing.

See, I was weighing it up in my head, and I'd rather re-watch Firefly. Aliens however, I would be more torn up about.

In all seriousness, I actually quite agree with you, it just seemed that immolating another species seemed slightly more needlessly provocative than the other images.

I would have avoided this image... after all, we don't know what kind of aquatic civilisation might stumble upon this lack of diplomacy.

So, the only time it was demonstrably true that Apple was better for creatives was in the late 1980s, and now that there is a convergence, it's largely a moot point?

I'm not saying that isn't, as a psychologist who has conducted social studies, I completely agree, I just think the psychology/social psychology divide is an important one to make. And psychiatry is largely based out of case studies. Where it isn't, it is usually an applied form of psychology.

Psychiatry still rarely uses the scientific method. Psychology is all science. Social Psychology is a Social Science.

I didn't vote for him.