matt miller

i hope you feel good about publishing a huge photo of a racist symbol of hate right on the front page of the internet where everyone can see it, just to get your clicks!

p.s. when you want to write the possesive form of a single noun you always add apostrophe and an s, unless it is a proper noun of biblical importance

warning: i feel like i’m trolling! skip over this comment to maintain positive energy.

i can’t help but point out a really annoying word echo: abruptly. also maintenance mode and a rushed checklist were the main causes, but maintenance mode was also an indirect cause?

p.s. what if the crew had not been heroic, and just

So you think carmakers should aim for more lag, weak traction and poor handling? I think that can be had, you’re just looking in the wrong place. But maybe the real answer is: “no turbo, please.” I can’t speak for the 488, but I find turbochargers on other cars rob the engine of character — the lag, or lack thereof,

is it weird that i now prefer the 964? my taste in porsches has gone full circle — someday i may like the look of the 993 again.


i will watch this, but he seems like such a wanker. twat. tosser. the british have really fcking dirty words.

this is going to be fucking LOUD! if i had the money and the core strength, i would buy it.

If ``most people are awful drivers. You know it. I know it. It’s a fact of life that can’t be avoided..,’’ then why are so many of the awful drivers in America?

You won’t see nearly as many Germans dawdling in the left lane, changing lanes or turning without signalling, or texting while driving. And they have fewer

of course they will include burmester stereo and heated and cooled seats and sunroof as an option, you goof. if this is intended to be a pure driving car for rich doctors and stuff, they’ll have to. it would be the wide body too, not the 2s body, because you can already get the 2s pretty exactly the way you spec’ed

the traction issues were due to a lack of grip, you say?

don’t worry, we’re selling subprime loans in cdo’s again. we’re trying to blow another bubble.

Old enough to know that buying vehicles about which you have absolutely no understanding — simply to spend money — is not cool.

Also, I’m old enough to have lived through every edition of the Lincoln Town Car — I was seven when the first one came out, and I can tell you a little something about them: definitely not

ha! you should be honored — i really only meant the headline sounded Onionish. BMW seems to make every single model of every single car now. don’t like the 3-series wagon? there’s a 3 GT.

well written intro, and i agree with your concept. but i have only ever of one of these people — missy elliot — and she is definitely not cool by any definition of the word i can imagine. so i’m going to have to call total bullshit on you.

buying a scooter you can’t ride, “hooking it up with rims” and then giving it up

this should be an Onion story

so we know for 100% sure that tax cuts might maybe possibly not work to stimulate the economy? gotcha. or, of course, some people could have some massively fcuking sky-high debt loads from the housing bust. i guess. if only we could get car sales to 17 mln and UE to 5%.

well then the mystery continues — how does weathertech afford five-page spreads in ever car mag every month? who buys those laser-guided plastics?


you mention the onion’s whacky narrative but provide no quick link = lazy. now i have to google it.

touche. but life would be better without scary looking, rusty and bent guardrails