matt miller

If you think it's ok to use they as a singular pronoun then you sound like an idiot to me, but I guess you can still be proud.

I agree that they can be used in the singular when referring to a god or a king, as in the German Ihr. That's fair.

If you think "they" can be used as a singular pronoun, then the correct conjugation of "to be" would be "is." So you would have to say "they is."

Since the article is so unimportant and such Elon Musk bullshit, I felt trolling English grammar was appropriate.

Don't you think Shakespeare is referring to mothers plural?

I misspelled vernacular as well, but I don't have a copy editor.

what about you're and your? will we lose that one, too? what about people who think they should only use an apostrophe at the end of a singular proper noun that ends in s, suddenly making everyone tom dick or harry, whose last name ends in s, jesus or moses? what about split infinitives or sentences that end in

i guess your right!

it's the greatest car i've ever owned, obviously. and it's pronounced porsh-uh.

well i guess i should have axed you first.

speak for thyself.

but this is just one of those things you know, it's common sense. no matter how many culturally sensitive professors vote to change the OED, no matter how many julian assanges contribute to the wiki-dictionary, we all know the word they is plural in our hearts.

oh yeah, i've got to stop thinking about english grammar in such a cisgender paradigm. it's been so long since my sophomore year at antioch.

bullshit. he is acceptable when you don't know the gender. using a plural pronoun changes the meaning of the sentence and is a big #fail, to use the vernacuar of our times. using he does not.

just because you've grown accustomed to hearing millennials fuck it up for so long doesn't make it right. if that were the case, we'd all be axeing questions.

buy you don't have to say he or she. he is sufficient when you don't know the sex.

Tesla's big announcement to end range anxiety with a software update basically makes it impossible for a driver to run out of range unless they're wearing diapers.

Sad news in the Mini world today: it seems that some reporters, or at least their anonymous inside sources, jumped the gun a bit when it comes to the Mini Superleggera Roadster. It's not confirmed yet, and a smaller Mini is now unlikely to happen.

"Aaron is a little different. He wears...stylish clothing, and yet he's not gay," Richard Schock said. "He's not married, and he's not running around with women. So everyone is throwing up their arms – they can't figure out Aaron. So he must be crooked. So attack him. Bring him down because he doesn't fit into our

hahahah — i am buying you a mental beer right now. cheers!

touche, bond does it right. and i guess you could too. i suppose, as long as it's white and it's easy, you're right. i was thinking about ties when i wrote that and i guess they're just so ingrained in the way a man has to cloth himself that i don't question it. a vest, on the other hand, it not something men really