Haha... yeah..I meant more the characterization of Superman, not just the outfit. The outfit speaks volumes to this characterization though.
Haha... yeah..I meant more the characterization of Superman, not just the outfit. The outfit speaks volumes to this characterization though.
Yeah, sorry! I meant Action Comics! My bad.
I drafted a fairly long response here before realizing that we may be talking at cross-purposes, due to the fact that I misspoke above: I wasn't talking about George Perez's New 52 Superman, which I haven't read, but by all accounts is pretty good. I was talking about Grant Morrison's Action Comics, from which the…
How about DC's (upsettingly 90s) New 52 Superman. Not so much hipstery as "edgy". Which, for superman, is much much worse. (Oh lookit, my least favourite Superman panel ever.)
I haven't read the study as yet (I guess that's my evening entertainment though!) But I'm not sure how this can be the case. The exact form of the Uncertainty Principle comes from the basic tenets of quantum theory, (namely the definition of the position and momentum operators). Therefore a change in the form would…
I think the deal is they can use people like SG or Scarlet Witch so long as they don`t mention the X-men connections.
Good point! I'm sure he'd cast an Hispanic actress...and probably an unknown too.
Me too. I was SO psyched for SHIELD, but now you've got me thinking of Whedons GCPD, and everything else will be a let-down!
Cool! I didn't know Feynman picked it up from Bohr.
I think most physicists use tricks like this every day. They're useful for seeing if something is going to be a significant contribution to your result, seeing if approximations are appropriate, checking your final answer is within the realm of possibility, quickly exploring different avenues of research. They're…
I think the importance of fighting is not for the people who have already made up their mind. It's for people who haven't started to think about it. If all you see is two sides shouting "You're wrong" at the other, then the side you come down on will seem arbitrary. If you see one side shouting, and the other side…
Haha! Damnit..now I have to rethink all of maths!
Ha. Thanks for this. I got super confused at that paragraph!
Exactly. Plus we're giving them the exact same treatment we would any reasonable scientific theory. Which, if scientists want to be respected, is essential.
Don't hold back for fear of trolls! Then The Internet (/Kinja) wins!!
I think the real win here is that the Ministry for Education calmly, rationally looked at the objections that were raised, and addressed them sensibly. There was no knee-jerk, fear based reaction either way. While Creationism (obviously) deserves to be shot down as unscientific, the absolute worst thing to do is to…
I came here to post this same thing!
To be fair... at least they're buying them! I'd rather have a good sci-fi show made and cancelled before it's time than never made at all.
It's a slippery slope you guys.
Maybe him and Gatiss got so caught up in Sherlock-ideas that they let DW get sidetracked!