Matt McC

I'm not sure that that's entirely true of Moffat. Like I said, I think his work on S5's grand story is really stellar. And he seems have been pretty restrained, and good at thinking things thorugh in the past. I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt, as what he's done is basically 1 and half seasons of great

I'm trying to do the same, but I still have lingering disappointment in how empty the second half of S6 felt. Even if there's some memory-related explanation (which I fully expect from Moffat), I don't know if it will make those episodes feel any less emotionally dissonant. At best it will give a reason for the

I always got the feeling that we still haven't seen all of the Doctor and River's relationship, so I never really felt cheated out of that. In fact, I think they way 908 year-old Doctor acted with River was awesome, and you could see that they had a different relationship then. And as you said, Amy & River's

Matt definitely took a little time to make the role his own, but once he did..he really owned it. I find you get a much better sense of how old and lonely the Doctor is with Matt. In discussing it here previously, someone made the excellent comment that when Matt is angry, or upset, he only shows the camera. His

I understand that. But even with "Mel" as a conciliation prize, there should have been SOME emotional fall-out. Some kind of anger or sadness or *something*, but there was nothing. AMy especially seemed to just accept growing up with Mel as a reasonable alternative to raising her daughter (which it absolutely would

I LOVE Matt Smith (I actually prefer his Doctor to Tennant's) and the Ponds, but everything you say is true.. It got me thinking though..all these problems are problems from post-Let's Kill Hitler. Previously, River was used sparingly and interestingly, and Amy & Rory's emotional states were well-thought-out and

I used to have complete faith in Moffat's planning. Season 5 was very well planned, with hints and ideas spread liberally throughout the season and a conclusion that was both logically and emotionally satisfying. I thought season 6 would be the same, but after A Good Man Goes to War (probably my favorite DW episode),

Normally it doesn't work but.... As a counter-example how about Peter and Kitty..that is, Colossus and Shadowcat?

I'm really glad that they're going to address the fact that Amy never raised Melody. They seemed to really gloss over it in the second half of s6, and it put a damper on my enjoyment of those episodes. It felt like all this character building was ignored

Now playing

Excellent. We can except such stellar dialogue as this.

Hmm... I figured this might be a problem. Thinking about it more also made me realize that the test to statistically determine entanglement requires you to know the state of the originally measured particle, which would have to be communicated to you at less than light speeds, ruining the whole idea.

The Distant Future. The Year 2000!

This is true, as I was talking about with ParryLost in the other thread. I was thinking though,

Yeah it confuses me too. The way it works, AFAIK, is that there isn't an ACTUAL transfer of information. So that even though the particle "knows" instantaneously that the other one has been measured, you can't determine anything about the other particle.

#Corrections "How exactly do these radio or other signals go fast enough to reach something that's traveling faster than light? (Which is a lot faster than radio waves travel.) "

Isn't it great? He's one of my favorite internet writers. He's written on everything from Prometheus to Dr Who

Despite fast becoming Io9's resident FilmCritHulk reposter, I'm going to throw caution to the wind and link this article on the similarities and differences between Bixby and Ruffalo, and what makes Ruffalo great.

Man that is a great clip. Reminding me again why Mark Ruffalo was great as The Hulk, and that Whedon had a take on the character different from anyone else's.