Matt McC

Despite being a British comic book fan, I never got into any of the 2000AD titles. So I have two questions for you Dredd fans. 1) How close does this look to the books? and 2) What do you recommend I read to get started in this universe? (Runs, Trades, whatever)

Reading Volim's post again, I think you're right, and obviously that's a ridiculous suggestion. I also think he underestimates the fact that a lot of people are working on these things.

While the Standard Model has been very very VERY successful in predicting nature, it's really very unsatisfying for a number of things. There's all sorts of issues with it on a deep level. For example, there's the Hierarchy Problem, the Cosmological Constant problem, and the Generations Problem.

I think you'll find a lot of physicists are hoping for the very same thing. There are, as you say, many things that the SM cannot explain, despite it's incredible success at predicting nature (and it really is incredible). Particle physicists have been working for decades on models to solve these problems (String

When Mike's asleep he says something different. In the top one is something about a pony, in the bottom it's "my homework ate my dog."

Now playing

One Thousand Times Yes! I would watch this every day for the rest of my life.

Edgar Wright & John Wyndham, two flavours that taste great together. I don't know how it's possible, but Wright's mention of Wyndham has made me even *more* excited for World's End!

Hopefully we get more Steve Newlin & Jason, and less Jason & anything else, especially if it involves faeries, were-panthers, or were-faeries.

I've tried very hard to not get my expectations up for s5, after the clusterfrak that was s4... but all I can think any time I see any promo material is "RUSSELL EDGINGTON EEEEEEEK!"

Hells yes.

Or Canada. :(

On the upside, more Terry can only mean less were-panther-sex!

Man... I was really hoping for a Tara-less season of True Blood. There is literally nothing they could do now to make her character interesting to me. So presumably she's a vampire now? Or a fae. If something fairy-related happens with her, I may stop watching, Russel Edgington or no!

I can see your confusion! The basic idea is that if you calculate the result of a collision (like for instance an electron and positron) you sum over all the possible outcomes, and then the probability for getting quarks instead of say, muons, is given by (in part) the amount of outcomes that involve quarks.

Actually, there are some explicit references: Star-Alfur literally translates as Star Elf. So that's sci-fi and fantasy in one!

I think you're right about Wanted. It really didn't have anything to do with the source material, and the story was ludicrous! But at the very least it shows he has a good eye for action, if not for story or storytelling.

Plus the director has a proven track record of making pretty damn good supernatural movies! (also adaptations of fairly well-respected books)

They're all Agent Smith, you're just seeing different versions of the Matrix!

From this point on, all movies staring the same actor are in the same universe. Now off to watch Indiana Jones 1 through 60. Looking forward to "Indiana Jones and The Widowmaker."