It's only a matter of time before the cardboard stand-in comes into vogue for videochat!
It's only a matter of time before the cardboard stand-in comes into vogue for videochat!
This very much reminded me of the Dr. McNinja arc Space Savers: []
Fortunately, in Physics (and Mathematics, as well as a few other fields) we have Arxiv ([]). It wouldn't surprise me to see organizations like this start to eclipse Elsevier's empire.
Just watched all of the Aperture Investment Opportunities:
Don't thank me thank @simonpegg! He tweeted it.
I haven't played portal 2 yet and had to Google that reference.... I am so very glad I did! Thank you. Now I have even more reason to buy Portal 2 as soon as my exams are done, and I have another awesome JK Simmons soundbite!
For all the problems of the Sam Raimi films, JK Simmons IS JJJ. I just can't picture him any other way now.
It's true, it won't really pack the emotional punch. Especially as I imagine they won't have a great deal of time to invest with Maria. I just have a feeling... I also am not sure that Marvel will want Coulson killed off... He's really quite well liked.
There were, but my bet is on Colbie Smulders' Maria Hill. It's just too Whedon-perfect.
I think it's definitely important to re-"ask the question" every day, and I think that's what Smolin is talking about here (I haven't read the book yet, but based on the article). His essential argument comes down to arguing that String Theorists are doing interesting mathematics, but in their search for elegance,…
You're right in that both theories work on very different scales, and so in some sense they must be separate theories. However, in order for a theory to represent the world we live in, it has to comply with certain observed properties, some of which are fixed by quantum theory (for example the Heisenberg Uncertainty…
Well now I can't have IO9 open in the background because every time I change windows I see this monstrosity and nearly throw up!
Aaah! That must be why they have ridiculous ponytails!
I don't understand.... Where's his lab coat? How will I distinguish him from his lizard henchmen?
For a more detailed look at the last item on the list, MovieBob over at Escapist did an episode of The Big Picture on it. It's informative, and pretty entertaining: []
At fermions are named after Fermi!
Yeah...wait...maybe....maybe they don't know! everybody!
Io9+Ryan North+B^F! My day is made. Today is a beautiful day (to be stomping on things)!
If only I had more time on my hands/was better at editing, that indeed would be a task worthy of a weekend.
Well I look forward to one day watching dune in horror. That is some truly terrible dialogue. Is there anyone in it who delivers lines with the panache of anakins "I killed them all" soliloquy?