Well why would you download some random ass game?
Well why would you download some random ass game?
He wants us to get worked up about a back door thing that gets unapproved games on to steam? The only folks that would care about this is steam as a person that’s a part of general public I could careless. populat websites have dumb flaws all over the place that can allow you to do stupid things, big whoop. You want a…
Taking note advice.
Awesome thoughtful critique. the pose does indeed looks hella dumb.
This looks awful.
If I had know HLD was coming out i would have taken Thursday and Friday off rather than the 12th and 13th of April off of work for DS3. Oh well at least there is the weekend to play games till my face falls off.
So AI just become 4chan users.
Dude Microsoft if you want people to buy into the Windows 10 app make a good port of Sunset Overdrive. I'm for real on this suggestion.
No mobs=not a MOBA.
Nintendo like backwards compatibility so the idea that they could say. Still support WiiU games and possibly port 3DS games over to this system leads me to believe that what we are seeing above is the portable that will double as a controller for a proper home console.
when I say visuals I'm talking graphically.
I don't think they'd be able to get the rumored graphical fidelity that have been rumored in a product that small. The rumors have the console performing a slightly above the One and PS4. There has to be a bigger box somewhere if those rumors are to be believed.
maybe. I'm inclined to agree with you since the console part like the picture you posted above. In its early stages would look like a PC tower.
Found the speculative report. I knew I saved the link somewhere.
Seems weird that the portable is leaking before the console. I remember seeing a break down stating that the console part of the NX would be releasing several months before the portable.
Spent an entire week playing the game and getting up to 30 and I've lost complete interest in the game.
RIP next weekend I'll be driften.
That’s cool I guess. an update to the raids (you know the thing everyone enjoys doing and the thing that is the best part of destiny) would be much better and get me to go back to destiny.
It mimics a dark souls game so hard that you might as well just go and play a real dark souls game.
“Guys guys remember the other loot based shooter from a dev we don’t have beef with?”