I broke and dislocated my right shoulder April 21. (I also ripped 2 of 3 muscles off their anchors.) I have been living with the use of just my non-dominant arm for the majority of activities.
I broke and dislocated my right shoulder April 21. (I also ripped 2 of 3 muscles off their anchors.) I have been living with the use of just my non-dominant arm for the majority of activities.
I have thought for a long time that the maps in Destiny 2 Crucible are the issue, more than anything else.
Hey, speaking as someone who has been watching The Simpsons since the very beginning and who considers it an inextricable part of his personality, you should check out The Problem With Apu. It’s a well-made documentary and may make you think twice about the character, even if you love him. It’s okay to love things…
idk dude, i’d like to be able to coordinate things with my teams without being called a faggot
“It just seems underwhelming,” another said on Reddit. “By the time you get the sword, you’ll probably have beaten everything else in the game. We just... don’t have much need for it by this point.”
Mrs. Assassin, my wife, multiracial, all the way from the small island of Malamawi. Lots of Filipino blood. I love it.
remember kids, if ever you get in trouble for bad behavior, just escalate that bad behavior for 2 years straight and you’ll be rewarded with fame and fortune
In 2001, Hideo Kojima pissed off countless fans with a simple twist. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty did not…
This would be my response too if I was his neighbor. As long as I’m living next door to a cray-cray man with a pistol who ain’t afraid to use it in broad daylight, I’m kissing his ass.
I am absolutely mystified that people attend something like this. Like, I realize that this takes place in bumfuck wherever, but still. Don’t they have something else more productive to do with their time, like sniff glue?
I think my favorite part of Jojo is experiencing other people experiencing Jojo for the first time. If you are bewildered, you’re doing it right.
For someone that doesn’t know what JoJo’s is about, you know *exactly* what it’s about.
You’ve woken the Hive!
I clicked on this without realizing that the word amateur was in the headline. Didn’t bother reading the post but I will say this. You have the seed a very good idea here. I would be fascinated if you got an actual body language expert that didn’t know who these people are to analyze the interview without sound.
At the end of an intense top eight, Dominic “SonicFox” McLean secured a 3-1 win in the first Injustice 2 Pro Series…
the ocean is fucked up
I haven’t really run into power problems with them.... I do favor the pro controller which seems to have a nice battery as well.
The cool thing is, if you get the Ocarina, you can play Daewon’s Song and speak to him if you need advice and you can even check out the Ed Templeton of Time at some point.
This is why the industry would be better off not giving out review copies. No expectations and no biases.