Guys let’s stop investing time in unraveling made history and more time think about the world we live in now. We get it it’s a video game let’s assume that it is just meant to be fun and isn’t a history lesson.
Guys let’s stop investing time in unraveling made history and more time think about the world we live in now. We get it it’s a video game let’s assume that it is just meant to be fun and isn’t a history lesson.
THE cops should be constantly filmed.
Mouse controls are cool forsomeone who say only has one arm.
I thought I was going crazy last night while I fought the watcher knights and I kept dodging downwards instead of to the left or right wholeness using my pro controller.
The maps remind me of Modern warfare 3. Relatively small and lots of narrow corridors. All the mid range and combined arms maps of D1 were the best these maps never give you breathing room.
Shame that all the maps are already feel cramped in 4v4.
I mean he likely has other things going on in his life this is the only thing that you hear about from it.
Go to bed Simpson’s you’re old.
But that’s just how you feel about it. Other people want to play competives games and not have a 15-38 year old dude calling them a fag or a cunt for no real reason outside of the fact that they feel empowered after doing so.
I mean just because something is doesn’t mean it shouldn’t change. A little trash talk is fun and fine but I think this is to address the extreme way she that manifests like say someone looking your game handle up online to continue harassing you in other plays on the internet or in your actual home and the like. Also…
3D printer printing game carts to smuggle drugs. Yep that’s 100% 80s anime cyber-punk crime.
Spoiler alert the only thing these people found was friendship.
LINK please. You can’t show drug use maybe growing weed falls into a grey area. Also if I’m not mistaken federally it is legal to grow cannabis as long as you do not have the intent to use it or sell it.
LOL “high budget”
THE rule isn’t it regardless of the legality of it in your state the use of drugs on cam is bannable.
SMOking weed on cam is against the ToS does this mean I can smoke a blunt on cam now?
WHAT ABOUT the police who a shot and killed an unarmed man? Feels like that part of the story is getting sweated aside there’s two parti s at fault in this story. The dude pictured above and the cops.
In a classic trump move he heard a number and started repeating over and over. Like a baby.
Seriously fuck you for continuing to use pewdiepies name on this site.
yeah its a cartoon