
I very much agree. My big issue with Shadow was how empty the whole world felt. I explored every inch of the place expecting to find secrets and such and it took me hours. But no, nothing.

says man posting comments on the internet

They mean if you left the game on while you were away to come back to it later. Although if the parent was too rough with it and jostled the system too much the game would freeze anyway.

Lol, how old are you? XDDDD

Some games couldn't be saved. Which is the reason "saved games" is in quotes.

Believe me, most parents do not want to take newborns to young toddlers (2yrs) on flights either. If they do it, it's because they have to. If they're taking red-eyes, it's because they have to - to save money or for schedule issues. Traveling with a small child is infinitely more stressful for the parent than for

The Swapper is great. It's probably my favorite game out of the hand full of games I bought during the last Steam sale. I hope you're staying away from walk-through vids! I got real close to giving in on a couple of the puzzles.

I was disagreeing with you all the way until the last sentence. That would be a goldmine. The sheer comedic value alone would warrant a purchase from TONS of people. Being able to capture and share moves and fights with custom moves would be YouTube gold.

I'm trying hard to answer this. I'm 40, was raised on and love baseball, but not with the passion or attention that I once had. So I'll try to list the reasons that I can think of.

I tend to agree. I feel a sense of doom. But then I wonder if the maturing generations have always said that of the rising generations. Is there really any trackable change in "society", or is it just a sentiment people have when they grow up? In the 1920s, were all the parents saying this same stuff (or observing the

I honestly am extremely scared for the future. Not because I believe that I personally am incapable of making it good, but because I am worried that others aren't mentally up to the task of doing the same. This author alone represents a lot of issues with where society is heading, but her sister (the upcoming

I'm 14 (15 in 2 months, I suppose) and I'm scared about where my corrupt generation will lead us. It's a scary time, I just pray it all works out. ^-^

yeah but herrrrr da derrr AAA GAMES

Well, two of them are Orci and Kurtzman, who also wrote the Transformers movies.

It would have been better if it had been a bad retread of wrath of khan, but it wasn't. It was a pastiche of "moments from classic star trek", ripped from their contexts, stripped of meaning. Into Darkness was poorly written trash, the kind of junk that gets made by someone who's SEEN greatness but doesn't

No, it's actually nu-cle-ar, not nu-clear.

I was living in that classy bedroom for almost 15 years...just got bored and wanted a change :)

You and my mother share the same feelings :)

Hey guys...happy to answer answer any questions about this room. Glad you like :)

What the heck has this got to do with cars?