
I've gotta ask - Mark Cuban made a point about private vs. public speech. Suppose someone mouths off at their house about any groups be they ethnic, racial, religious, etc. If that is recorded and then released, should that lead to you getting fired? How many black women say aggressive things about white women who

Found your problem, Hawk.

it looks real but some part of my brain just goes "Nope, this is not real"

A "flatso".

what a fucking ignorant comment why are you bringing up apple? Fucking donkey brained asshole

So did you.

F&$k. Love the Good. I Wii U the haters.

I wonder how many people complaining about the color watched it on film in theaters.

It's a tough choice for me for sure. In my case, I'm leaning towards the Vita version just because I'd have more time to play it during the commute to work and back. However, the game being an HD remaster has me wanting to play on my best monitor on the ps3. Also, Amazon has a 24 page artbook as a pre-order bonus

I'm getting both. But if I have to pick a one, I'll pick PS Vita. It's good to be able to play around the house or anywhere else whenever instead of just stuck playing on a TV.

My personal "Bests" list as of 2/16/14:

Stealth Inc.
Hotline Miami
The Pinball Arcade
Sound Shapes
NFS Most Wanted
PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate HD

I dont know what LWOP means.. but I would like him to be playing singstar. Somewhere that would satisfy me.

BioShock 1&2 would be a good choice.

How about Dark Souls? That game IS punishment. What about WW2 FPS' where he has to shoot Nazi's? Fallout 3 and Skyrim are great picks but to be funny give them to him with no patches, he'd write a letter that these Bethesda bugs are pushing him to suicide.

The ability to pause the game, using another app, let say, to message to a friend you seen suddenly come online, or to use the internet browser to look for guides. I dont think you can do this with 3DS as you need to close the game if you want to launch another app. The only thing Vita cannot do is launching two games

Indeed. Just picked up a Vita last week and I'm in love with it. A great piece of tech.

I would honestly love to see the Vita, with it's army of indie games and collection of great AAAs, help the Vita TV become the cheap home console it's looking to be. It may not have the selection of an android device, but the games are all far more polished and finely tuned for the physical controls.

So with the Vita having an arguably good library of games now and the remote play feature working so well, does anyone know if the sales are improving? I sold my Vita a long time ago and I'm kind of regretting it.

or his fat, four-eyed face

Yep, that's been my biggest complaint about the contestants playing the game. I'd definitely want to run the board from the bottom to the top (highest $ to lowest $).