
Dismiss that piece of shit racist woke.

I wouldn’t go blaming streaming and Netflix for the failure of independent theaters and the struggles even the chains are having. Those problems have been on going for longer than streaming has been a thing. Fuck it was a major topic back when I was in college and Netflix had just launched as the DVD by mail service.


Seriously? This is how you remind me?


But it’s so much easier to just cancel someone. Because we Dems have zero tolerance for allegations.

“I had not read anything or heard anything that made me feel this was a man who never deserved to work again.”

Absolutely. I see no reason why he should be completely unemployed. He would make a great parking lot attendant. I do see reason why he shouldn’t be employed in a high-paying position of power over young

Also: his notes. He had great notes on the Sanders campaign.

I’m super stoked Marianne Williamson is becoming so well-known. Should she be POTUS? Don’t know. But her first 3 books changed my life, and A Course in Miracles is in my life because of her.

For the time being, you actually can. Assuming this is protected NLRA Section 7 activity (which is very debatable but still a color able argument), Purple Communications, Inc., 361 NLRB 1050 (2014), held that employees who have been granted access to work electronic communication methods (mainly e-mail, but Slack

Last night, spokesperson for Justice Democrats Waleed Shahid responded on Twitter to Claire McCaskill, a former Senator who lost her race in the Midwest, who said that “free stuff from the government does not play well in the Midwest.”

From that link you posted:

Seasons one and two never really explained why WE wanted to open the gate 

I don't think they are really gone more like they are extremely weak like if you listen you can't hear the vibration noise of when ever el uses her power

This sound interesting as hell and especially the demogorgon. It's had to say I mean I don't think it can heal so the scars it got would have still been think right? Also I just hope they show El's sister again she was an interesting character that I wish was explored more in this season or any up coming seasons.

Well they’ve always been just cutting off the connection of the mind flair to the real world so I feel like in the upcoming seasons they might actually attempt to kill the mind flair altogether

My theory is that they are moving to nearby Eerie, Indiana.

It would be funny if everyone just moved to where Joyce/Will/Jonathan/El moved.

I didn’t really follow how/why El lost her powers. Did she just overstretch herself and somehow permanently lose them or something? 

I thought Hopper at first but then I wondered if it was Papa himself, Dr. Brenner.

I feel like Hopper probably jumped into the gate right before it closed to avoid being disintegrated, had to survive for a long time in the Upside Down by himself, and then eventually the Soviets found a way to open a new gate and scooped him up along with that Demogorgon.