
I think this is an excellent article that points out what, in my opinion, should have been the message of the Ansari story. It shouldn’t have been, “Aziz Ansari is a bad guy and we need to bring him down.” It should have been, “Look, guys, you need to pay attention to us when we say or show you that we are not

Lotta prudes in the comments section on this one.

Ok, I’m the women in this situation and Jeez, can you PLEASE F-ING stop patronizing me? A man is allowed to ask for what he wants. As a woman, I can and DO say no to things I’m uncomfortable with. Being pressured to do something isn’t a done deal. Say no. Mean it. Or don’t and live with your decision—ESPECIALLY if, as

I work in the same building as Franken, and honestly, yes this is really bad, yes, this is a #metoo story, yes he deserves to be held accountable, but there are degrees, and this happened before he was in the senate, when he was in the comedy world. Now, there’s a reason I’m bringing all of these things up and it’s

Thanks a lot of this post. This is the problem I’m having. White women are not a monolith. White folks rightfully get called out when we treat other minority groups as monoliths, or expect an individual POC to speak on behalf of his or her whole race, so it seems unfair to get the finger pointed at me as a white woman

I don’t think she’s saying she was “triggered” by that sign. I think she’s saying that telling protesters coming to a demonstration for the first time don’t need to be told that because they were too nice/white/Christian/congenial there presence wasn’t appreciated.

What about the whales? Will we see the nice black ladies at the next whale protest? Will we see the nice white ladies at the end anti-war protest?

Agreed. An activists job at a large successful action is not to whine about why the people who showed up weren’t at the previous actions, but to do something — other than whining — to make sure as many of them as possible come back to the next one. This article is not helpful.

Target employee here,

Even if he was an affirmative action admission all it would prove is that affirmative action kicks ass and is worth the investment, because we got Barack Freaking Obama out of it.