
On one hand - please Rudy, do this! Every time you speak in public you dig yourself and Trump further into the hole.

on the other - if one of his staffers was ready to quit and fuck him over in the process...take a queue from Ryan Howard on this one...

I saw this too and made sure i was up-to-date to the most recent version of VLC. So are they saying if you’re on, you’re fine? Downloaded the heap-over-flow.mp4 file from the link and it doesn’t crash my VLC.

Iowan here - Tornado warnings mean jack shit to us.

Every other day from the month of May - August there’s a tornado warning. Most people won’t even take cover in-doors, they sit outside and watch the storm roll in. It truly is fascinating and I don’t know why we do it, but it’s pretty common place here.

So kudos to

I’m split on what season 4 and the potential season 5 will be about. Part of me believes they’re going full 80's tropes - the reason is not important, it’s all just to show off cool set pieces and fun action. They’ve only really be dealing with the symptoms of the mindflayer / upside down. We know the mindfalyer

just hand-waved it away as Hawkins economy crashing and they all just move the town over, government sweeps back in and starts working on crazy experiments again to “beat” the Russians. Without a town - they can operate in secret and not have another Will / Barb situation on their hands that ends up being the first

I think that’s kind of a misdirect with the whole Max / Mike debate - as even 3 months later she’s unable to use her powers still.

I think it has something to do with the mind flayer worm they had to remove from her leg. I’m not entirely sure how yet but the mind flayer did indicate it was doing this all for her. And

I’m leaning towards a second gate in Russia - Hopper is the type of person who would willingly jump into the closing gate to avoid certain death, if it it means going to the upside down and likely dying.

I think next season is going to really dive into WHY the mind flayer wants Eleven. And it has to bring back

That’s an interesting concept. While I’m still holding out hope that it’s Hopper - he was the closest to the gate and Hopper being Hopper, I could see him jumping into it before it closes. He’s been to the upside down before and it’s really his only option. And it’s not hard to think that with the Gate closed in

It’ll be interesting see how things will pan out next season. As much as El has assimilated and learned the last 2 years, she still has strange speaking patterns and doesn’t understand certain phrases. Maybe since it’s the 80's it will be easier for them to enroll her into the school by saying she was home schooled by

From the way Mike and El were talking it doesn’t sound like they’ll be too far since they could travel back and forth for the holidays. I have a feeling the next season will revolve around either summer again or another holiday when the gang will be back together.

Has to be - it’s such a classic setup for the sequel - they distract you by showing other deaths and when Joyce goes to look for him, she sees nothing before quickly getting distracted. He was also the closest to gate before the thing exploded so I’m wondering if the Russians have a gate active on their end and he

So the Russians obviously know about the upside down... but they never truly explained why they were trying to open the gate again? And then the Demogorgon reveal at the end - like they obviously have been messing about in the upside down for what was their end goal? Is it just typical 80's style “Russians

Just bring him back for Avengers 4 please!!!!

I miss the weekly sheild recaps, I hope you’re able to continue them soon!

It’s the Trump-Fox feedback loop.

Actually, they stopped him earlier in the day and the saw him later on that same day driving again.

it’d be great, but schools keep having to cut budgets and are underfunded...almost like someone is doing it on purpose so as each generation grows up, they are less and less informed.

okay, I said this last year after the mid season break but I really mean it now. I CAN NOT WAIT TO READ YOUR REVIEWS OF THIS SEASON! Seriously, you’re work has been great in the past but this year they seem to be going full balls to the wall and I’m sure Mack and Coulson will have so many great quotes and jokes.


bought in a few months back, probably around early spring and played for a few weeks and thought it was cool but couldn’t get into it due to how slow paced it was. This makes me want to update my client and play again, looks like I know what I’m doing tonight after work.

I hate to ask, what is this from?