Will Riker's Crotchguard

Show deliberately left out the Valonqar part of the prophecy though, which suggests they might not go down the same path as the books will eventually.

Why would he care though? He doesn't know about Jon yet.

I don't *really* get the complaints about Sam not catching on about this nugget though. He doesn't know about Jon Snow being the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna, so hearing about Rhaegar shouldn't really have mattered all that much to him.

There's a big supercut to be done that shows how this difference exists for so many US-UK partner shows.

Are you for serious? This is the Tyrion who personally destroyed Stannis' fleet with wildfire, and with no real regret about having done so. There's no way he cares what dragons are able to do, it's almost entirely about the fact that he's horrified that they're Lannister men. That's not a flip flop emotion though.

The Love Below was definitely an Andre 3000 album, which makes it all the more frustrating that he never followed it up, because for me it's a goddamn classic.

I actually thought that was a really obvious overt reading of Bran's behaviour - he is acting completely unemotional when he sees Sansa, then she hugs him and he looks like he couldn't care less, and then he drops that. He's clearly going Manhattan because of the powers or because of his use of the powers or whatever.

Plus it's not an S, he said so!

He'll be on a BBC 'central' contract, like most of their hosting 'talent'. This is why the same few faces pop up on numerous BBC shows, they've already paid them, may as well make them work for it.

Well the flipside of that statistic is that the number of self identified Republicans is also shrinking, so of course Trumps support numbers among them keeps going up.

Green Nineteen has some amazing food. That's all I have to say about this really.

M&S might be one of the most British Isles things around.

I think the reasoning is that Amazon have a habit of pricing their stuff to avoid building large profits, so Whole Foods propensity for being really overpriced might disappear, which would be a real threat to the Walmarts.

What is this about? Because FUCK KINJA so hard. It is way, way worse than Disqus, which is actually a really good comment system once people stopped being pissy about the loss of the AVC community features.

Trader Joes was my favourite store when I lived in America, because it was the only place that reminded me of our supermarkets back in Ireland. Whole Foods is like them too, but way, way more expensive.

I love the pace, but I hate it at the same time because of there being only 8 episodes. Hopefully season 2 won't be more than 1 year minus 8 weeks away.

I often find that a lot of perceived overacting can be due to having to pull off an accent. I don't think even this was Fionnula's true accent, but it was much closer to it than the British or American accents she usually has to put on.

Speaking of that rant to the crow. "Gowl" was a very funny moment for anyone familiar with the modern slang of Limerick city.

Sure, I definitely agree there's a massive imbalance, I would probably personally just rather see no nudity at all than more old guy dong like that American Gods episode

Yeah, I actually thought erect dong was a total no-no.