Will Riker's Crotchguard

American Gods is working HARD (pun intended) to balance it all out.

I really agree with this. Mocking doesn't work, they're trolling and they just consider any mention of their names a win. Please, AV Club, stop feeding these fucking trolls. Let them starve.

This is what happens when they give women jobs that us men should be doing - things start running smoothly and efficiently.

This is Arrow, surely you mean 'they all now DON'T wear leather'

Whenever every regular non-title character apparently dies in a large scale disaster in a season finale, on any show, I always think "well, they're just leaving their options open in case someone doesn't want to return".

This would be standard UK practice, which had to deal with IRA and Northern Irish Loyalist terrorism a lot during The Troubles.

It happened in a public area.

I reckon Berlanti's involvement with most of the shows is fairly minimal anyway. I'm sure he helps out a lot with the premise setup, because he seems to have nailed the formula for making that work. Then maybe, I guess, he reads the scripts and gives notes?

The multiverse is rather ingenious in that it allows these shows to run their own stories at the same time without the whole "Why doesn't Supergirl just save everyone?" conundrum, and also without having to do the Agent's of SHIELD thing of working around other properties.

With the Multiverse, there's no reason this can't already be true.

It's…..really bad.

I just meant that fudge is a really different thing entirely in most other countries compared to the US - a creamy, non-chocolatey, kind of crumbly treat. It's so good.

Oddly (because we rarely get B&J exclusives) we've had this flavour in Ireland for about a year now and it is easily my favourite B&Js flavour (with a u), presuming banana ice cream works for you. The caramel and 'fudge' (or as everyone else calls it: chocolate) chunks are really great with the crumbly pockets of

You seem fun.

I'd go if only they would erase the existence of people who hate everything after the 2nd season.

Actually - I suppose this was all done with the season trailer, but apparently it's Dragonstone.

The photos of Dany appear to be from Kings Landing and the Iron Throne room?

There's also the fact that the seasons are so short.

I'm really curious if they're playing the long game build up with Talia or they plan to burn the rest of her story in the short amount of season 5 we have left.

Nah, Adrian Chase knows a lot about Oliver, I suspect him or Talia will free Slade at the end of this season. Boomerang too I suppose.